Monday, November 5, 2007


So I would like to thank everyone for a great experience. All of the comments and feed back on the blog have been great and very helpful. I hope that someone got as much out of reading this blog as I got from writing this. I feel as if I have grown so much as a writer because I have not only been able to develop my own ideas about this controversial issue, but I have been able to do it in more of an informal setting being able to focus more on the information and interaction with the readers learning how to discuss without assuming anything. The entire blog was much more of a way for me to think through information and draw connections and I hope that the links and research has done the same for everyone reading this now. I think that the beginning of my blog is more general, I began with pretty much the same information and common ideas that many people do. Then I had to begin looking at the facts, just general information that told me the basics of this issue so that I could draw knowledgeable conclusions from all of the reading and articles I found. In the beginning I was not aware that there where so many options being considered in research. I also began to learn of how strictly the government was taking a part in this issue. There are also countless sources of information out there. From other bloggers to the papers, universities and institutions it is important to weed out viable sources from the junk and discredited information.

Overall, this has been a wonderful experience and I hope that everyone continues to stay informed because we are the present. Whether we choose the future, the lives unborn, or the past, lives to be well lived, we need to choose because time is the one thing we do to have.


Throughout this blog I have mentioned several alternatives to the use of aborted embryos in this research, and even ways to avoid harming the embryo altogether. However, even with the technology far off, the idea of research compromising a baby, the unborn, seems to resonate with people making it difficult to open ideas and discuss options. On the other hand individuals who only see the science, the long term benefits don’t want to think about who has to harm the embryo before getting to the research. It is like when you have to take your dog to the kennel knowing someone will have to put him to sleep to control the ever growing and dangerously high population. The only way that this public issue will ever come to rest is to compromise. The research needs to be funded, this can not be denied, but funding can go strictly to funding the technology needed to provide ways for creating embryonic stem cell lines without harming the embryo and research on lines already created. This way a future life is not claimed but research can continue to find cures for thousands of people. Of course there will never be a point where everyone is happy, but then again, this is not utopia. The best we can do is inform ourselves of the options and fight for what we think is right.


Embryonic Stem Cell Research is such a loaded topic. What began as a simple discovery in science, a researcher who found a new miracle cell that had infinite potential, turned Americans into murderers and ultra conservatives. The idea of using embryonic stem cells seems like such a simple topic on the outside. Such a wonderful way to cure so many horrible disease, but in reality these cells have caused as much ciaos in the media and public as the idea of alternative/natural medicine. From the ethical choice to stop the potential for human life in an embryo to the moral choice to help the thousands in need of a cure, this issue is one that will not die without a fight. I believe this also because such a hot button issue because it forces people to choose between their past and the future, between a life to begin and one well lived. Everyone has an opinion whether they advocate it or not and some of us are forced to choose when put in the situation. However, the most important part is to be informed. Ignorance is not bliss because by not knowing you may be one of the thousands who die waiting of a cure or you may have been the embryo saved. Either way you look at it, this is a public issue which has everyone from the logic scientist to the religious patriot speaking out.

Class Links

The following are blog sites from my peer which I found very informative and worth visiting.

Universal Health Care: Revamping the American Health Care System: This blog works hard to create a clean and concise blog in the health care system today. The single but varying shades of color add a more professional tone while being easy on the eyes and the extra sources and commentary on the side are very helpful and interesting without being overwhelming. The author uses a good balance of statistics and numbers with very valuable information to inform the reader and keep them interested.

Secondhand Smoke is No Joke: This blog deals with the negative effects of just being near a smoker. The author approached to topic in a way that was quite unique. S/he did not rant and rave about the negative effects but saw the opposite point of view as was able to clearly point out flaws and issues. The use of color adds and almost child-like tone to an adult issue which I find quite witty and his/her use of example is a great way to get people interested.

Abortion: This blog is so closely related to my own that being informed on the issue is crucial. This author used a more confrontational approach, such as the images, which is very appealing to readers because want to have an opinion. No one wants to waste time reading for hours and not getting anything out of the time. The author clearly states his/her points and positions while providing accurate information.